Election Day

Election Day

Check out all the voting tools on our site to confirm your registration, check your polling location, learn about absentee ballots, and more. Then make a voting plan so you're all set for November 5th!

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unbought & unbossed: Empowering our voice and choice with National Black Theatre

unbought & unbossed: Empowering our voice and choice with National Black Theatre

Unbought & Unbossed: Empowering Our Voice & Choice will offer attendees a multi-layered experience guided by key voices from the community that are devoted to activating our collective voting power and empowering our voice and choice at the ballots including: opening remarks by Council Member Dr. Yusef Salaam, a panel discussion moderated by De’Ara Balenger (Co-Founder of Maestra) with Dr. Mahogany L. Browne (Poet-in-Residence at Lincoln Center), DeRay Mckesson (Executive Director of Campaign Zero, Activist, Educator, Podcaster) and Nelini Stamp (Director of Strategy of the Working Families Party and co-founder of Broadway Votes). Additionally, attendees can expect to see archival works commissioned by NBT including You're Going To Be Okay by Ngozi Anyanwu and 1920/2020: or Processing Anxiety Around Voting by Dane Figueroa Edidi.

One of the evening’s highlights includes a Civic Activation Fair where attendees can connect with local organizations, register to vote, create a voting plan, and get informed about how to make their vote count.

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…and more to be announced!